Essence B SuperwineAfrobeat club hits with a Classic Video Directed by Dapo of Lodafriq Entertainment
Song Produced at OY Studios.
Essence B, London based artist is sending shock waves through the underground scene with his collection of Afrobeat club hits such as “Ghost money, Superwine and Talk am” under independent London based Nigerian record label “Lodafriq Entertainment”. Essence B latest project “We Work”with fellow cousin “Diamond B” is a catchy Funky House club banger fused with a Afrobeat influence.After recently shooting the music video in Leeds at Ritz Wine Bar accompanied with a debut performance at “Leeds Love Afrobeats” a promotional club night organised by students of Leeds Met University. “We Work” has received a high volume of downloads from the file sharing platform and is one of the most talked about material on Facebook and other social media. The “We Work” music is nearing completion and will soon go viral on YouTube and broadcasted on several music channels.

Lodafriq Entertainment took the opportunity to film a music video to smash hit“Superwine” which will also go Viral and broadcasted this summer. Production plans have already started for “Ghost money” with developments to follow after the summer. Essence B has also started to hit the TV screens with a guest appearance on the “Sporah Show”(, an African talk which is broadcasted worldwide via SKY 182 with a debutperformance of “Ghost money”. This is accompanied with a recent interview by Princess Abiye Tobinat SRTV. Essence B has also been featured on the Leeds Met Online Magazine covered by “KadijaOllow” a Final Year student of the African & Caribbean Society. From the humble beginnings of a local artist performing in Barking, East London, Essence B is now performing all across London & Essex, Leeds, Wolverhampton, Birmingham, Manchester and Bolton,as well as reaching a worldwide audience touching Europe and Africa. It’s amazing how this underground artist is making such an impact without the assistance of a major record label him, hatsoff to him, with his hard working ethic, business savy, talent and sheer determination, Essence B ismost definitely an artist we can appreciate for his music and progress. To find out more about Essence B check out his website and follow him on social media networks available on his website.
Essence B journey towards becoming an established underground artist saw him spend time inevents management and club promotions while developing himself as an artist in the genre of HipHop and R&B working with talented producers “Supreme of the arts & Omari Neosoul”.Essence B first performance as an aspiring artist saw him perform at CARGO in Shorditch, hosted by REWIND Magazine. After a lot of moving around in East and North London, Essence B settled inBarking, East London, where he started to slowly cement himself as an established underground performing regularly at Club Ambassador and Solar Bar (Barking) and releasing his first single oniTunes with Horus Music Records. Essence B later teamed up with Lodafriq Entertainment which changed the creative direction of Essence B’s talents. Turning to Afrobeats Essence B performed his first Afrobeat single “Ghostmoney” (produced by O.Y productions) at the reputable IF BAR in Ilford (Essex), in front of a strong500 capacity crowd at Nigeria Independence Day October 2012. This resulted in local media coverage n the “Ilford Recorder” and appearing on Blogs in the UK and Internationally. Essence B continues to grow and is now being recognised in the Midlands and abroad. Essence B is constantly evolving and it is only time before this raw talent finally achieves the recognition he deserves in the main stream music industry, nationally and internationally.
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