Chris Brown Goes Topless and verbally Aggressive "Gimme my f****** keys. F*** ten dollars.”
CHRIS Brown’s aggressive streak shows no sign of taming after the topless star grabbed his crotch and unleashed another rant.
His hostile behaviour continued in Los Angeles yesterday when he stepped out with his tattooed body on display, wearing only shorts and a hat.He made faces at snappers, flipped the middle finger, grabbed his privates in a gesture of aggression and reportedly launched into an “unprovoked tirade”.
His latest outburst comes after he threatened a car park valet for refusing to hand back his keys until the pop star paid him $10.
A video of the dispute was caught on video camera, and Brown can be heard lashing out at the attendant for demanding the money.
He spat: “Gimme my f****** keys. F*** ten dollars.”
A member of Brown’s entourage handed over the money before the singer snatched his keys back and stormed off in a huff.
Earlier this week, he also reportedly abandoned his loyal minder Big Pat in Bermuda following a fight between the pair on a plane.
The bust-up allegedly happened on Brown’s private jet during a pit stop on the island – and the star refused to let his bodyguard back on board.
Big Pat was apparently forced to make his own flight arrangements to get back to New York.

"They then went outside to have a cigarette. The security guard then came inside the airport building and said he wasn't getting back on the plane."
Last month, Brown's girlfriend Rihanna revealed she will leave the singer – who assaulted her in a vile attack in 2009 – if he ever hits her again.
But the Diamonds beauty – who kicked off her world tour in New York State last night – insisted the R&B star now has a “fantastic heart”.
She said: “If he gives me that again, here’s what I give him: nothing. I just walk away.
“He doesn’t have that luxury of f****** up again.”
sexy as fuck